Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Puppy Video!!

Hey everyone! Well, our sweet little Sophie went to her new home this past Saturday.  And while we all miss her, we are so happy that she's in a loving home with tons of attention :)

We wanted to do something with her before she left, so that morning, we made a little video featuring her...and her older sister, Zoey :)  Please, check it out and enjoy!

Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm4Udd_ao94  Make sure to click it if you want to watch the video :)

Tomorrow, Wyatt's going to his new home.  We're all very excited for him! And our cute little Dakota also has someone who's picking her up tomorrow.  And lastly, Dixie's found her forever home too :) 

There are lots of pictures below (a LOT)!! They range from this past Saturday (before Sophie left) all the way to this afternoon :) So enjoy! :)

First up are all the puppies after a bath.  They always seem to nap after baths :)

Above is Dakota, below is Wyatt :)

Little Sophie, she was peeking over the whelping box looking out :)

She's so cute!

Then they all woke up... :)

We tried for a 'family photo'.  One with all the puppies, plus Annie (the mom) and Zoey (their older sister from Annie's first litter).

It didn't really work, but they were all so cute!

Above - left to right: Rudy, Cody, Wyatt, and Dakota. And below is sweet Dixie :)

Cody :)

Rudy's face (in the back) is so cute!

And all the dark colored puppies together for the last day!

They are all so sweet, but once again, we're all so happy they've found such good homes :)

So sweet :)

All of their eyes are so pretty! Dakota and Wyatt will have lovely dark eyes.  For the other 4, if they follow in the footsteps of their siblings from the last litter, their eyes will be a beautiful golden coloring.

Sophie :)

Outside with the puppies.  They LOVE being outside :)

They have so much fun exploring everything! And they love chasing leaves as the wind blows them around :)

Dixie :)

They are so much fun to watch play in the yard :)

Action shot!


They're all so sweet :)

Rudy, Wyatt and Sophie, all wrestling :)

Rudy and Sophie, exploring a bit :)

Sophie, chewing on a twig :)

...and sniffing everything :)

They're getting really good at letting us know when they have to go outside for the bathroom.

We feed them breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Right after they eat, we put the outside and they do their business.  So they're very good about knowing after they eat, they go outside :)

Above is Cody, below is them napping after another bath :)

Rudy's so cute!

And Cody :)

...and Dakota :)

...And Sophie :)

They were all so happy in their puppy pile up :)

Rudy, ready to play!

and Dakota :)

She's so good!

And they all love to look out over the chest which keeps them inside the living room :)

Currently, Wyatt and Cody know how to scale the chest and make it to our kitchen :)

They're so smart and adorable!

Look at that face!

Dixie, Dakota, and Rudy :)

They're so cute!!

Some kibble was put down for them as a 'snack'.  They love getting snacks :)

Sweet Dakota :)

And Dixie, in her favorite spot!...under the chair :)

Wyatt, playing with a ball :)

He's so cute :)

And Cody, curled up on the vent.  He loves it when the heat turns on :)

He's so cute!

And Dixie...sleeping :)

They all enjoy a good nap!

And Zoey, who loves to join in with any activity the puppies are doing :)

She's such a good big sister!

Cody :)

Wyatt :)

Cody, showing off is currently flexibilities :)

His face is so adorable!

...and sweet Wyatt :)

Look at those eyes!

They love playing with Zoey, and even though they're getting big enough to gang up on her, she still loves playing with them :)

Dakota :)

Zoey, wrestling with them all :)

Dixie's so cute!

Cody, looking for another snack :)

He's sweet :)


Well, I know that was a LOT of pictures! But as you can see, they're all healthy, happy and doing very well :)  And for clarification, Rudy and Cody are the only ones still looking for their forever homes.  The others have all found theirs :)

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