Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Posing Puppies

It's the last day for Dakota and Wyatt, as they're going to their new homes this evening.  They are both such awesome dogs! We'll miss them, but we know they will get lots of love and attention at their new homes :)

This morning, we've been taking lots of pictures!!! Here they are :)

We were trying to get them to 'pose' on the couch for us.   But it was very difficult to get them all looking at the same time :)
But considering they're only 9 weeks old...and 5 of them, they were very good and patient through the whole process :)

...but yes, it did take a few shots to get everybody together :)

Dixie and Rudy :)

Dakota :)

They are both so cute!


They're two peas in a pod!

Now, I don't think any pictures were taken where all the puppies were either sitting, or laying, or standing.  They were all doing their own thing, but that's okay.  They're cute no matter what :)

A few times Zoey ran by, squeaking a toy...but the puppies were good about staying :)

The three whites, all together :)

And the two blacks :)

And they actually put themselves in this order, which turned out neat for different pictures :)

So below, from left to right is Dakota, Wyatt, Cody, Dixie and Rudy :)

And here...a shot where they're actually all doing the same thing! :D

And I thought this was the cutest picture ever!

Dakota :)

And these two are Wyatt and Cody :)

All the puppies are doing great! They'll soon be getting lunch, once they wake up from their nap :)

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