Saturday, November 28, 2015

Puppies - 11 Days Old

The puppies are all 11 days old and doing extremely well! They're all growing like crazy :)
It's so adorable, every time they nurse, they all wag their tails :)

Wyatt and Dakota, puppies # 2 and 6 :)

Sophie, the oldest :)

And underneath Sophie's arm, is puppy # 5, Cody!

And sweet little Dixie, sleeping :)

We got all the puppies their own little stockings!! They're hanging up on the back wall of the whelping box :)

Rudy, puppy # 3 on the far left :)

They're all enjoying a midday snack!

Annie has been very good, constantly feeding all the puppies and making sure they're all accounted for :)

Dixie :)

Cody and Dixie

And Zoey, the puppy we kept from Annie's last litter...meeting her little sister Dakota for the first time!

She wasn't sure what to think, but she was still very gentle with Dakota :) 

All the puppies, sleeping :)

Top row, left to right: Rudy and Wyatt.
Bottom row, left to right are Cody, Sophie, Dixie and Dakota

We weighed all the puppies this past Sunday as well as this afternoon!
Sophie on Sunday weighed 1pound, 5oz.  This afternoon, she weighed 2 pounds, 3oz!

Wyatt weighed 1pound, 8oz on Sunday.  Today he weighed 2pounds, 7oz!

Rudy weighed 1pound, 5oz on Sunday, and 1pound, 14oz today :)

Sunday, Dixie weighed 1pound, 7oz.  Today she weighed 1pound, 14oz.

Cody weighed 1pound, 6oz on Sunday.  Today, he weighed exactly 2pounds!

Then last but not least...Dakota! She weighed 1pound, 5oz on Sunday.  Today, she weighed 2pounds, 4oz :)

So as you can see, they're all doing very well and are very healthy! Annie's doing an awesome job! We're all so excited as the puppies should be opening their eyes up this coming week! Also, Wyatt stood up on all 4 feet for the first time today :)  It's so much fun watching them grow up!

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