Monday, August 21, 2017

Annie's Litter

Sunday, August 13, Annie had her third litter.  Her water broke and within ten minutes, her first puppy arrived.  It was little boy, born at 4:28pm.  Our first purebred, Standard poodle puppy! He was all black expect for some white on his chest and back toes. 

At 5:31pm, Annie gave birth to her second puppy.  Another male, but this little guy was an apricot coloring.  Then at 6:28pm, she had a third male.  This boy was definitely the biggest! He was all white with an apricot spot on his lower back, and 2 spots around his ears and eyes. 

Earlier in Annie's pregnancy, we had taken her to be x-rayed so we would have an idea as to how many puppies she was carrying. 

The x-ray showed 4 puppies. 

After having her third male, all contractions stopped. 

You could see the fourth baby still inside her, but it didn't appear to be moving. 

Hours went by.  We tried doing anything and everything to help start contractions again to get the last baby out. 

Once the vet opened, we had Annie there. 

The puppy was definitely gone.  It had been the biggest of the four.  Sadly, due to complications of the last puppy, we lost our beloved Annie.  

To say we were and still are devastated, would be an understatement.  Annie was an amazing dog.  Always extremely intelligent and healthy, she was an incredible mother.  Words cannot express the affection and love felt for her.  Our thoughts immediately went to her puppies, worrying for their lives with their mother now gone. It reminds us of the fragility which is life and how very precious life is, the biggest gift. 

When one door closes, another door opens.  Truly, we have been very blessed that in the midst of this tragedy, we have Zoey.  Zoey was one of Annie's puppies, from her first litter.  Zoey, without hesitation, adopted Annie's puppies as her own. 

Since Annie's puppies are almost a week younger then Zoey's, we have to keep both litters separate, so that Annie's don't accidentally get squished. 

Above, Zoey's nursing her own puppies. And below is one of Zoey's little girls. 

All the puppies, in Zoey's whelping box.  You can see Annie's puppies in the back, left hand corner, while Zoey nurses her puppies. 

We still miss Annie terribly.  It's been a week since her passing, but she is thought of every single day. She lives on through her puppies. The week before we lost her, Annie helped Zoey take care of her puppies.  Annie would go in and help Zoey stimulate them all and keep them all clean.  Annie was a very special dog.  She touched our hearts and lives.  She will never be forgotten. 

Monday, August 7, 2017

Zoey's First Litter Arrives!

Hey everyone! 
We know it's been a little bit since we've had a litter of puppies, but we're very excited to say that our first litter of second generation Labradoodles arrived this morning!

Our Labradoodle Zoey gave birth to her first litter. She had nine beautiful, healthy puppies! 

#1 is a red/white spotted male.  
He was born at 5:41 this morning! :) 
He weighs: 11oz

#2 is a black male.
He was born at 6:33am
He weighs: 7.5oz

#3 is a Black and white/black male. 
He has incredible markings, his underside is white along with the tip of his tale. Even his nose is multi-colored!
He was born at 7:32am 
He weighs: 9.9oz

#4 is a black male. 
He was born 7:33am
He weighs: 8.7oz

#5 is the first Female. 
She's white with light orange on her head. 
She was born at 7:50am
She weighs: 7.7oz

#6 is an apricot female.
She was born at 8:34am
She weighs: 9.8oz

#7 is another Apricot female.
She was born at 8:47am. 
She weighs: 10.2oz

#8 is a red/white female. 
She has the same markings on her face as her brother, number 1
She was born at 9:14am 
she weighs: 7.6oz

Last but not least, #9 is a black male. 
He was born at 9:24am 
He weighs: 11.6oz

Number 1 with number 8. They have similar markings on their faces. 
The male is the one pictured left, and the female is the on the right.

Puppy #3 on the right and puppy #4 is on the left. They are literally twins, as they shared an amniotic sac. 

A little over 5 hours of labor, all 9 were out, safe and sound!

Now begins the 24/7 watch.  All the puppies have become priority number one! And with Zoey as the mother, everything's going smoothly. All puppies are healthy and happy. Zoey's a natural and is making an awesome, first time, mom!